never give up — at the beach

so what looked like a blown out cloudy sky well before sunrise turned out fairly decent as I headed over to the beach near the gazebo/pier lot.. almost headed off the island.. decided to go ‘east end’ where I haven’t been in ages.. parked the truck.. walked across the last dunes walkway down that end.. got to catch the sunrise as it peeked up just below the clouds.. salvaged the early morning.. hahahahaha ..never give up

very stealthy–undercover
looking for his breakfast
caught a nice one
with a ‘full belly–he was soon ‘up up and away’

back at it..

a drive over to the beach at 40th street before Sunrise this early morning.. a ‘chill’ in the air.. thankfully NO wind.. 28*.. another friggin’ brrrrrrr moment.. just something wrong with this.. especially where I was a couple of days ago in 80* HEAT– just a fleeting memory ..

‘sunshine’ in a bottle

it is what you think it is… brrrrrrrrrrr

Cruise ends– Ft Lauderdale.. enroute Home

on the road again.. docked in Port Everglades.. early 6am breakfast with Fran and Bill.. we were all off the ship and ‘on the road’ by 730am for the 12 hour drive north home–for us at least.. 28 days way too short.. I NEED A CRUISE

off the Florida Turnpike at 9am switching over to I-95 at Ft Pierce.. 54* —free AC.. but first a ‘refueling’ stop– at Dunkin Donuts of course 🙂..holy crapola batman thought we were back in Havana with the old cars:)


Daytona Beach
leaving Florida at Georgia state line
entering South Carolina at Georgia state line
Charleston– Ravenel Bridge